Meet Elizabeth Hendrix

About Your Tutor

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Hendrix and I am a Certified Academic Language Therapist.

If your child is having difficulty learning to read or has been diagnosed as dyslexic, the best thing you can do as a parent is to educate yourself and become the number one advocate for your child.

One in five children are dyslexic and learns to read in a different way. Most public and private schools do not have qualified dyslexic/reading teachers. 80% of children will learn to read whether they have a great or poor teacher.

As a Parent, You Must Be INFORMED

One in five children are dyslexic and learn to read in a different way. Most public and private schools do not have qualified dyslexic/reading teachers. 80% of children wil learn to read whether they have a great or poor teacher.

You, as a parent, must be informed. You cannot wait. Time is of the essence. Retaining a child is not the answer. If a child is retained because they didn’t “get it” the first time, they won’t “get it” the second time with the same exact instruction.

Ask lots of questions. Observe in your child’s reading class. Take notes. Ask for the qualifications of the reading specialist, the general education teacher and/or special education teacher. A teacher who has only had a week or two of instruction is not a Highly Qualified Reading Specialist. A master’s degree is not

Remember you are your child’s best advocate. A few excellent sites on the internet to begin with are National Reading Panel, International Dyslexia Association, and Academic Language Therapist Association.

Please explore my website, and then, please, feel free to call or email me with your questions. I’m sure you will have many of them.

Good Luck!

My Philosophy

I get so excited when I am teaching a child and you look at them and you see the light go on in their eyes. They Get IT! After 16 years of teaching this program, I am just as enthusiastic about it now as I was the first day I was introduced to it. Personally, I have become a better speller and reader because of this program.

“Bring your child to me and I will teach her/him to read.”

My qualifications are as follows: Certified Academic Language Therapist, Masters In Reading, Licensed Special Education Teacher, K – 12 (Texas). I conducted IEP meetings for two schools. I was Conroe Independent School District’s first special education teacher to perform this task. Because of this, the district now has many special education teachers performing this duty.

I learned more from Neuhaus Education Center as to how to teach children to read than I did going to college to get my Masters degree.

Let me tell you a little about the instruction at Neuhaus Educational Center. Please feel free to go on-line: and read about al the wonderful things they offer. I had to have a 700 -hour practicum in a course accredited by the International Multisensory Structure Language Education Council (IMSLEC), 200 instructional hours, clinical/teaching documentation, proof of my progress and competency, plus many other requirements before I could even take my exam and finally hold the title of Certified Academic Language Therapist.

Please be aware that while many educators have been trained at Neuhaus, they have not completed their certification program. Even if they are certified, teachers and tutors must continue their education and document it through the ALTA (The Academic Language Therapist Association). They also must take a national CALT exam (Certified Academic Language Therapist).

To learn more about the ALTA/CALT certification processes, please check out The Academic Language Therapist Association and Certified Academic Language Therapist websites.

Let’s Learn Together!

Please explore my website, and then, please, feel free to call or email me with your questions. I’m sure you will have many of them.
