“To learn to read is to light a fire, every syllable that is spelled is a spark.”
– Victor Hugo

What's Next?

Call to set up an appointment with me.  I will need to meet with parents and student.  The initial meeting is very important. I will ask the student questions regarding reading and find out their likes and dislikes. The student will do some activities for me. Expect this meeting to last between one to two hours. There is no charge for this meeting. 

4 days a week, Mon-Thurs, 1-hour sessions.

Financial help is available.

I do not recommend individual sessions because students have the opportunity to participate in so many more fun activities when there is more than one child.

The National Reading Panel states:

"Although individual tutoring is commonly regarded as the most effective unit of instruction, NRP findings indicate that small groups are the best way to teach phonemic awareness to children. ....Children may benefit from observing their peers respond and receive feedback or from listening to their peers' comments and explanations. Or children may be more attentive and motivated to learn so that they do well in the eyes of their peers."

Dr. H. Lee Swanson of the Department of Educational Psychology, University of California, Irvine states :

“Traditional, one-on-one reading instruction has been considered optimal for students with Learning disabilities.  Yet we found that students with learning disabilities who received reading instruction in small groups experienced a greater increase in skills than did students who had individual instruction.” 

Elizabeth Hendrix • 347-882-1074 • eahendrixnyc@gmail.com